
Monday, September 17, 2012

How to remove Macintosh HD drive from desktop in Mountain Lion

Saad Hamid on August 2, 2012

I just made a fresh upgrade to Mountain Lion on my Macbook Air and the first thing that I noticed was the Macintosh HD drive appearing on my desktop.

Although I admit that when it comes to usability, shortcuts are useful. But for some reason I believe the Macintosh HD icon appearing on the desktop just interferes with the clean design and decided to get rid of it, here are the steps.

  • Click on Finder and open Finder's preferences pane.
  • There in General tab, uncheck "Hard disks" under "Show these items on the desktop" to clear away the icon.
  • That's it. The same can be done to remove icons of external disks, connected servers or any CDs, DVDs and iPods connected to your Mac.

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